Wednesday, 7 April 2010

I tell you that's Gordon Brown!*

High drama in my office today as none other than the PM came to 80 Victoria Street on the campaign trail. He was there to visit Microsoft's UK headquarters for his 'People's PMQs', which was webcast on MSN.

The event wasn't a particular success, with only 120 people logging on to watch the chat. That said, the presence of multiple security guards and a whole motorcade of police bikes outside did allow for some mild entertainment for the rest of us. My EA was particularly excited, e-mailing me that she'd just walked past him in the lobby, with camera following behind.

Alas, it arrived in the inbox too late to arrange any kind of waggish 'vote for change' placard antics, so I had to make do with sneaking a picture of the PMs Jag, Range Rover, and police escort. Excuse the picture quality, but I had to take it on the sly, or risk being stopped and searched for suspicious activity...

* For those not in the know, a reference to the imcomparable Galton and Simpson

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